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New on TV today: Shark Beach with Anthony Mackie; Gulf Coast

Saturday 20 July

Channel: Nat Geo Wild (DStv 182 / StarSat 221)
TX Time: 18h00
Genre: Documentary, Wildlife, Sharkfest


Anthony Mackie (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) features in this marquee special, the next installment of the Shark Beach franchise.

This special follows Mackie in his hometown of New Orleans, where he grew up boating and fishing, and still fishes its waters to this day.

In this hour-long special, Mackie investigates a fishing phenomenon called depredation, in which a shark preys upon a fisherman’s catch and consumes it before it can be retrieved.

Across the globe, more and more fishermen are encountering this competition for food, bringing humans and sharks in closer proximity than ever before.

After an increase in shark sightings in his hometown, Mackie sets out to learn more about these cases from the local Louisiana fishing communities affected as well as specialist scientists.

He discovers how these human-shark encounters may be pointing to larger environmental issues on the shores of Louisiana and through the Gulf of Mexico.

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